Start Saving The Planet – One Container At a Time
Becs Walker explains how to join Rogue To Go and get your take out meals in reusable containers
You can “join” Rogue To Go for $10 at any of our participating restaurants. When you “buy in” you will get a token worth $10 that can be exchanged for the reusable container when ordering take out food. Later, return the container to any of the participating restaurants, drop it in the collection tray and the restaurant will give you a token or another meal in a sanitized container.

How Does it Work?
- BUY IN – Join Rogue To Go by paying $10 per container. All container exchanges are free!
- FILL UP – Your food goes into a reusable Rogue To Go container.
- CHOW DOWN – You know what to do!
- SWAP – Exchange your old box for a clean container (or a token) anytime you visit a participating restaurant. (All exchanged containers will be commercially sanitized before reuse, but please return your container “household clean”.) Swap out soon for another meal or grab a token. This reduces the need to buy more containers by keeping them circulating.
- – Keep your Rogue To Go container on the move
- – Every Rogue To Go container is sanitized according to the Jackson County Health Guidelines
Why this container?
Rogue To Go is a program being pioneered by the participating eateries and our participants have determined that the OZZI brand containers are fantastic options.
OZZI O2GO© Highlights
The O2GO© container line is formed with 100% sourced BPA free plastic
Containers are 100% recyclable, meaning that once an O2GO container has become worn down from repeated use, the #5 plastic can be melted down and remade into other recycled material products
Made in the USA
Don’t toss broken containers. Return to eatery and Rogue To GoTG will collect and ship back to Ozzi to recycle into new product.
Please see the FAQ for additional info!
Participating Restaurants
We are expanding all the time! Here is a list of restaurants and takeout places where you can currently use Rogue to Go reusable containers

Rogue to Go Customers and Restaurant Partners have Said:
- “I appreciate the creativity and intention, and the exciting potential for a massive reduction in waste.”
- “Thanks, I love this program! Please continue and expand it!”
- “There is less waste going out, more smiles going in.”
- “We love the program, helps the business and really helps [relieve] an increasing problem of waste in this current climate.”